Rev David Hann: 0431 685 172
Worshipping at Japanese morning service

Japanese service (主日礼拝)

Melbourne Japanese Christian Church (MJCC)

With God’s help, and in view of what Christ has done for us on the cross, We are to be a community of believers that glorifies God by growing together in worship, fellowship, discipleship, service and mission.

Our love for God and for others has its source in the love that God demonstrated in sending his own son Jesus Christ into the world to suffer in the flesh and die on the cross for us.

Sunday school is held every Sunday. Children start the service together with the adults and then children head off to Sunday school in the middle of the service.

There is morning tea before the service and lunch afterwards. Our church is open to everyone, regardless of nationality. Please feel free to come along.

What to expect

  • バンブーホールで日本語の礼拝(約90分)が行われます。
    Japanese language service (90 min) held in the Bamboo hall
  • 礼拝には普通日本人と「親日家」のオーストラリア人が参加しています。
    A mix of Japanese and Aussie ‘Japanophiles’ (30+) usually in attendance
  • 賛美チームもしくはMP3の音源によって賛美の歌を歌います。
    Choruses (song leader and keyboard)
  • 旧約聖書や新約聖書から聖書が読まれます。
    Bible readings (Old and New Testaments)
    • 日本語聖書は入口で貸し出しています。
      Japanese Bibles available at the entrance
  • とりなしの祈りと献金をささげますが、献金は全く自由なものです。
    Offering & ‘Prayer for others’
  • 聖書からメッセージ(説教)が語られます。(約30分)
    Expository sermon (approx. 30 min)
  • 交流の時間として礼拝の前にモーニングティー、礼拝後にランチがあります。
    Morning tea (before the service); and lunch/fellowship time (following the service).

Worship live streaming and messages YouTube:

連絡先 Contact

平日のプログラム Mid-week program

聖書を読む会 Bible Study
毎週水曜日 午前10:30〜12:30 @バンブーホール
Every Wednesday 10:30am–12:30pm @ Bamboo Hall
A gathering to study the Bible and pray together. We often have lunch together.

コミュニティグループ(別名:牛丼の会) Community Group (also known as the Gyudon Group)
毎週木曜日 午後7:00〜9:00 @福田宅Balwyn
Every Thursday 7:00-9:00pm @Fukuda’s House, Balwyn
A gathering to study the Bible, share life and pray together. Gyudon (beef on rice) is served for dinner.

Men’sグループ Men’s Group
隔週月曜日 午後7:30〜9:00 @バンブーホール
Every other Monday 7:30-9:00pm @ Bamboo Hall
Men gather to study the Bible, encourage each other in life and pray for each other.
Sometimes there is a dinner party on a different day.

ビジョン Our vision is:

  1. 私たちのビジョンは、オーストラリア・メルボルンの地で、日本語での礼拝を毎週執り行う機会を与えることです。
    To make Japanese worship available to all on a weekly basis in Melbourne, Australia;
  2. 私たちのビジョンは、神様の愛と恵みを十分に受け、人と人が固く結び付き合えるよう、互いに支えあい、励ましあう教会になることです。
    To be a church that, sustained by God’s love and grace, is bound together in encouragement and support for one another;
  3. 私たちのビジョンは、教会員が少しでもキリス卜の似姿に近づくのを助けることです。
    To help church members to become more and more like Christ;
  4. 私たちのビジョンは、教会員ひとりひとりが神様から預かったこそれぞれの賜物を大いに発揮することで、教会を建て上げ、成長させていくことです。
    To see each church member develop their God given gifts for the building up and growth of the church; and
  5. 私たちのビジョンは、福音の力を持って、 まだキリストを知らない人に働きかけることです。
    To impact those whose don’t yet know Christ with the power of the gospel.