Rev David Hann: 0431 685 172

Worship, study, prayer, and fellowship

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

The Holy Bible: English Standard Version, (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Col 3:17.

There is always so much going on at Canterbury and we would love for you to be involved. All current and upcoming events are listed on this page including our regular program of Sunday services. Please use the filter menu in the sidebar to search by category for mid-week Bible studies, prayer meetings, outreach events, missions, and other ministry activities. Alternatively, visit the event calendar to locate future-dated events that are being planned.

Rev David Hann leading the Sunday morning service

Sunday morning service

What to expect English language service (90 min) held in the church nave A multi-cultural mix of (100+) people usually in attendance Children’s talk, song, and prayer Offering & ‘Prayer for others’ Expository sermon (approx. 25 min) English outline and/or Korean written-translation generally available Hymns* (pipe organ & piano) Choruses on the fourth Sunday of…

Worshipping at Japanese morning service

Japanese service (主日礼拝)

メルボルン日本語キリスト教会Melbourne Japanese Christian Church (MJCC) 「キリストが私たちのために十字架上で成し遂げられたことを思いつつ、メルボルンの地にあって、神様の助けにより、交わり、礼拝、弟子訓練、奉仕、また教会を通して、ともに成長し、神様に栄光を帰すクリスチャンの共同体となることです。」With God’s help, and in view of what Christ has done for us on the cross, We are to be a community of believers that glorifies God by growing together in worship, fellowship, discipleship, service and mission. 神様を愛し、人々を愛する私たちの愛は、神様が御子、イエス・キリス卜をこの世に送ってくださり、御子ご自身が苦しみ、十字架にかかって死んでくださるほどに私たちを愛してくださっているという神様の愛に根ざしています。Our love for God and for others has its source in the love…

Rev Dong Jin Choi leading the Sunday at five service

Afternoon Service

Welcome to our (less formal) afternoon service. Held at 4 pm every second and fourth Sunday of the month. What to expect Facilities *Bible versions: ESV, NIV, RSV