Rev David Hann: 0431 685 172

Past Events (Page 2)

Young adults at Canterbury gather to study the sermon passage

Sunday sermon study

We meet for about 45 minutes to study and discuss the main Bible passage expounded at the morning service. Come and enjoy the company of other young people who are interested in God’s Word and delving deeper into the full meaning of the Sunday morning sermon. This is a great study even if English is…

Sunday prayer meeting

We meet on the first and third Sunday of the month for half an hour of prayer prior to the morning service. Please join us in the main Sunday school room at 9.45–10.15 am. For further details, please contact Rev David Hann or Michael Smith.

Friday morning Bible study

Friday morning Bible study starts at 10 am every second Friday during the school term with about ten people meeting together in the Forrest Hall at Canterbury. We commence with morning tea and then continue our studies in 1 Kings. Prior to 1 Kings we worked out way through the New Testament book of Revelation. We end with prayer at about 11.15…

Fellowship dinner and study

Shared dinner at the home of Lemuel and Lilly Suraj, followed by book study: Christian Community. For further details please contact Lem and Lilly.

Mid-week Bible study

For further details please contact Steve Clancy.


Presbyterian Women’s Missionary Union (PWMU) provides support and love to those in cross-cultural ministries around the world.

Hymn singing class

We will meet every Sunday during this term. For more details and to register your interest please contact Chris Munn.

Woman wearing gloves collects and piles fallen autumn leaves

Working bee

Join us on Saturday morning for the quarterly working bee at church. Our church requires regular maintenance of its buildings and grounds. We’d love to see you there lending a hand.

The empty tomb (He is risen)

Men’s Breakfast

Renowned evangelical author, preacher and teacher, Michael Raiter, will be speaking at our inaugural CPC Men’s Breakfast on life, death, and what comes next. Join us for a great morning of fellowship, encouragement, and challenge.